About Us
One of the most important things about being a martial artist is to be creative and explore your knowledge. Studio Martial Arts is founded on creativity, because of how important it is as a practitioner of martial arts (Wing Tsun, Wing Chun, Krav Maga, Jiu Jitsu, Muay Thai, Karate, etc.). Wing Tsun and martial arts have evolved because of exploration and solving problems.
Creativity is an important part of every person and should be nourished when it comes to every activity. The important thing is to have an understanding before being too creative. Follow your Sifu's (Teacher's) instructions first and get a grasp of what is trying to be accomplished. To have a healthy balance, is following from experience and knowledge before blindly making up new ideas just because.
In Wing Tsun, we follow the concepts, principles, and common sense in order to really adjust accordingly. Wing Tsun has a principle matrix which helps us know what we are trying to achieve to defend ourselves. Self Defense involves asking questions and using knowledge to adapt to what is being used against you to find the very best solution. We use our principle matrix to answer these questions and improve upon our techniques in a hard situation. Asking question that make sense is the best way to come to an answer that makes sense for the scenario.
Follow your teacher's instructions, be respectful, but don't be afraid to explore and try a new solution that might fit a little better. Every one is different, and that's why we all must be creative.
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